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I 10 11 Gas Insulated Switchgear Interfaces The interface is classified into three types: ①Gas-to-Oil Bushing: when the interface is directly connected to the transformer, the bushing separates the gas and insulation oil. The bellows compensates the tolerance and minimizes vibration. ②Gas to Air Bushing: when the interface is directly connected to the feeder, the bushing filled with the SF6 gas is used. ③Cable Sealing End: when the interface is directly connected to power cable Cable Sealing End ❶Cable ❷Epoxy Cone ❸SF6 Gas ❹Shield ❺Tulip Contact ※ Adheres to IEC 60859 Gas-to-Oil Bushing ❶Bellows ❷Conductor ❸SF6 Gas ❹Tulip Contact ❺Transformer Bushing ❻Transformer Oil ※ Adheres to IEC 61639 Gas-to-Air Bushing ❶Terminal ❷Upper Shield ❸Bushing ❹Conductor ❺SF6 Gas ❻Internal Shield ❼Tulip Contact

Products && DDetails Rated 72.5 145 170 245/ 300 voltage(kV) Phase per 3 3 1 / 3 1 enclosure Frequency 50 / 60 50 / 60 50 / 60 50 / 60 (Hz) Breaking Up to 40 Up to 40 Up to 50 Up to 50 current (kA) Rated Up to 2500 Up to 3150 Up to 4000 Up to 4000 current (A) Lighting impulse 325 650 750 1050 withstand voltage (kVp) Power frequency 140 275 325 460 withstand voltage (kV) Three Phase Three Phase CB Operation Three Phase Three Phase Common / Isolated Common / Isolated type Common Operation Isolated Operation Operation Operation CB Mechanism Spring Spring Hydraulic / Spring Hydraulic / Spring Arrangement (Layout)

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