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On-line UHF PD Monitoring System for Transformer HiCMS TM-1000 The HiCMS TM1000 is a monitoring system for assessing the condition of transformers in the field. The system is an on-line partial discharge (PD) monitoring system for power transformers. By monitoring the in-service partial discharge, the insulation performance can be reliability assessed over time and proper maintenance can be taken before a failure occurs. DAUFeatures •HighsensitivePDdetectionfortransformerbasedontheUHFPD measurement technique •LocationestimationofPartialDischargepositionintransformerusing the time of flight method. •AnalysisalgorithmtoclassifybothPDandbackgroundnoise.•Usingnoisemaskingtechnology,reliablediagnosisispossible. •Fullyprotectedagainstsurgeandtransientovervoltage HMIDAU Specification Item Specification Detection frequency bandwidth 300 ~ 1,500MHz Input signal level -85 ~ 0dBm Detection sensitivity Less than 1pC No. of Input channel 12ch Operation temp. -25 ~ 60℃ I 14 15 HiCMS Hyosung intelligent Condition Monitoring System

UHF PD sensorUHF PD Sensor Specification Item Specification Detection bandwidth 300 ~ 1,500MHz Sensor type Monopole type sensor Sensor install position Drain valve Sensitivity 49.8 mV at 50pC 2 Withstand pressure 0.5 Mpa (5.098 kgf/cm ) Maximum temperature 120℃ System Configuration Local Unit Main Unit PD Analyzer GPS GPS Signal Coaxial Cable Monitor Digital Process Unit UPS Signal PD Analyzer UPS Server PC Coaxial Cable Ethernet (Optical) Optical / Ethernet Optical Fiber Cable Ethernet HUB PD Analyzer Client PC Coaxial Cable Printer

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