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Total Integrated Monitoring Solution Total Integrated Condition Monitoring Solution with Web & Mobile HiCMS Smart HMI The H iCMS SmartHMI is a monitoring system for assessing the condition of transformers, GIS, Cables, Switchgears in the substation. The web and mobile access are available within substation network. This total integrated solution brings about the efficient enhancement not only in the operation of substation but also in cost-saving of maintenance. Features Highly Integrated Monitoring Solution Web & Mobile Access Smart HMI system provides total monitoring solution with all kind This system complies with the state-of-art mobile and web of power apparatus including transformer, GIS, Cable and technology. The operators are able to access effects on the Switchgear in the substation for the operators and asset condition of their assets immediately and remotely, anywhere and managers. The existing condition monitoring system for each anytime with their smart phone(android or i-phone) or PC web- asset must be installed before SmartHMI. SmartHMI is the browser. It is the most effective in providing visibility and insight into integrated software of all existing condition monitoring system. It is the substation asset management “One solution for All equipment” Maximized Network Security Condition Based Maintenance To prevent unauthorized access, misuse or modification of Given its online diagnostic capabilities, and ability to set alarms, substation network, Network Security is the most crucial aspect. the system can provide advanced notification of impending failure. Withuserauthenticationprocess,strongfirewallandnetworkThus better decisions can be made earlier. The operators have all separation are the minimum requirements of SmartHMI. their assets and the entire system constantly in one view of real- Communication between SmartHMI Server and client(mobile time monitoring base. phoneappsorWeb-browserofoperator’sPC)usingsubstationnetwork is encrypted to maintain security. Advanced Analysis Tools Using internationally recognized algorithms approved by IEEE and IEC, the best possible diagnosis of fault conditions can be realized.TheDissolvedGasAnalysis,TMStoolsorUHFPDAnalysis are available techniques for the Transformer monitoring in SmartHMI. GIS condition monitoring tools include the partial discharge, circuit breaker operation, leakage current of lighting arrester, gas density analysis. Cables and other assets assessment tools are provided on request. Alarming set-points can be setup from the beginning and modified over time as the assets’ normal operating conditions are learned.

Typical Layout S/S #1 Operator GIS Monitoring TR. Monitoring Manager DB Server Web Browser Provider S/S #2 Secured Network Smart HMI Operator Server S/S #N Manager Smart Device Provider Substation IT center Remote location Display Mode of Web HMI Initial display Substation layout GIS monitoring Transformer monitoring Display Mode of Mobile Device Summary of PD monitoring DGA monitoring Initial display S/S condition for GIS for Transformer Trend analysis I 20 21 HiCMS Hyosung intelligent Condition Monitoring System

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