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Structure of ProSWGR by Type ◆ Compartment structure that meets LSC2B B A D C D B C A •Two-tireproductshaveacircuitbreakerunit,acontrolunit,a•UnderLSC2B,forVCBleadout,theshutterisclosedmainbusunit,andacableunitinseparatecompartmentsandautomatically,separatingthemainbusunitfromthecableunitmeetsLSC2BintheservicecontinuitylevelofIEC62271-200. bothelectricallyandmechanically. I 12 13 ProSWGR

◆ Basic structure (7.2kV 40kA 1250A) A E B C D A ❹ B ❺ ❶ B C D A A ❷ ❸ B ❼ ❻ E FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW Structure Part No. Part Name VCB 7.2kV A LV Compartment 1250A 40kA CB Compartment ES B 1 VCB Busbar Compartment 2 Main Bus C 3 Branch Bus VCB 7.2kV 4 Segregation Bushing 1250A 40kA 5 Insulation Bushing ES Cable Compartment D 6 Earthing Switch 7 Current Transformers E Arc Duct

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