HYOSUNGs Grid Connected PV Inverter Ⓡ ■ Products Number HS P XXX G L O Transformer Rated output less type : Outdoor type : Grid marked with O HyoSung Photovoltaic capacity connected marked with L (unit : kW) Electric type : Indoor type : no mark no mark ■ Transformer type and transformer less type inverter Transformer Type (transformer built in type) Transformer - less Type Consist of double winding transformer regardless Consists of connecting three winding wire transformers of number of inverters to each inverter Ⓡ HS-PXXXG Ⓡ HS-PXXXGL 380V ~380V ~380V I 08 09 Grid Connected PV Inverter Ⓡ
Ⓡ ■ Monitoring System Provide monitoring systems that allows an operator to monitor power generation and operation in real time through PCs and smart phones for the efficient operation of photovoltaic power plant. Provide wire and wireless monitoring Monitoring option/service • Data communication with local PC and Provide integrated data collector and storage in DB monitoring server • WEB server function • Check generation, amount of Provide smart generation, failure etc. phone application • Provide IOS/android • Send SMSs of amounts of generation SMS service every day • Send SMS when failure breaks out Communication • Ethernet, RS422, RS485 Ⓡ ■ A/S center and extended warranty program 142, Gongdan-ro, Yeongi-myeon, • 5 year free quality warranty 3 Sejong Central A/S Business in charge • Provide service within 48 hours center Provide A/S Region in charge by A/S network located throughout Seoul, Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungcheong the country 1 • Free inspection service 2 171, Yeondeok-ro, Seongsan-gu, 4 Changwon-si, Gyeongnam • Operation of extended warranty Eastern A/S Business in charge Provide A/S center program Region in charge Gyeongsang 3 Main offices A/S center Gwangju 5 Business in charge Western A/S Provide A/S center Region in charge 1 119, Mapo-daero, Mapo-gu, Seoul Jeolla, Jeju Head office Business in charge 4 Receive A/S 5 of Hyosung Co. Ltd. Region in charge Throughout the country Contact for A/S 74, Simin-daero, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, 2 Gyeonggi-do Research institute Business in charge 1588-6114 of Hyosung Support technology for A/S Co. Ltd. Region in charge Throughout the country Business department 82-2-707-4394~6