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MMC Type Operation ? MMC Technologies IGBT Full Bridge DC Capacitor T1 T3 Uc T2 T4 Bypass Switch Power Module Converter 1 Phase Converter Full-Bridge Transformer Submodule 154kV:21kV Y Phase 3�� Reactor GIS Harmonic Star-point Filter Reactor ? Multi Level Output Each power module gets its power from the DC 42 Level Output Voltage capacitor in its own module. Power is used for operating the SM controller and Evalv 80 GDU for IGBT firing. Sub-module Controller has 60 the following functions : 40 ? Receive trigger signal from the Phase Controller 20 ? Monitor the Sub-module condition and transmit 0 the status of sub-module to Phase Controller -20 ? Generate firing signal for IGBT��s and Bypass -40 switch (to remove failed sub-module in -60 the electrical circuit of MMC) -80 ? Measure the capacitor voltage of the sub-module x 3.2000 3.2025 3.2050 3.2075 3.2100 3.2125 3.2150 3.2175 3.2200

Application Application Case 01 APPLICATION : metropolitan area MIGEUM S/S 345kV ��100MVAr STATCOM TRANSMISSION MAP BACKGROUND How to overcome difference between power Metropolitan KEY supply and demand in metropolitan area? T N E SVC STATCOM M 80 E L P P 70 U S 60 Supply 50 & 40 30 42/ 23 6 / 12 Demand 20 10 0 Demand Supply Demand Supply 12 / 19 metropolitan None-metropolitan 32/ 26 Metropolitan ? Occupied 23% of power-supply Case ? Focused on 42% of power-demand 8 / 20 ? Use of high unit-price fuel on generation in 765kV Line 345kV Line metropolitan area, such as LNG & oil & etc.. DC�� 180kV Substation Regional 765kV Substation Power Plant ? Use of low unit price fuel on generation in 345kV Substation non-metropolitan area, such as Nuclear & Demand(%) Supply(%) Power Plant Bituminous, & Anthracite(Hard coal) & etc.. �� Improvement of voltage stabilization CUSTOMER �� Prevention of blackout NEEDS �� Adopting an eco-friendly Equipment �� Improvement of voltage-stability ? By dynamic reactive-power compensation �� Transmission-capacity expansion ? Maximazing available active power without new installation of generator EFFECTIVENESS ? Relaxing restriction on inflow of power-flow in metropolitan area by dynamic reactive-power compensation �� Economical operation of power transmission ? An decrease of 300MW generation per year FACTS based on IT SOLUTION - Migeum ��100MVA STATCOM (2009) I 12 13 STATCOM STATic Synchronous COMpensator

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